What is the best pool heat pump among all the swimming pool heating?

What is the best pool heat pump among all the swimming pool heating?

As we know that, for the swimming pool heating pump, size and type are very important. There are various types of heaters such as solar, gas, heat pumps and etc. It is almost always better to get a larger or big pool heater than you think you need.

The main reason is, they are faster and also loses less heat during the heating stage while requiring less water pumping. Basically, the large pool heaters tend to require less energy than smaller ones and are more convenient.

Different types of heat pumps:

Here is the brief info related to all the pool heating pump in terms of every factor.

  1. Solar pool heating

Solar pool heaters usually consist of a set of solar panels on the roof, a solar controller and a solar pump.

  • Medium-Sized solar heaters generally heat a pool to minimum 2-3 degrees Celsius on a sunny day. This prolongs the swimming season by approximately one month at each end of the season.
  • Large solar heaters can do more, however, the average solar heater has the correct size when it has a surface the same size as the pool.

Nevertheless, of size, all solar heaters suffer the obvious effects of clouds, rain, air, temperature and general weather. They are good and reasonably cheap for the temperature of your pool.

Solar pool heating

The solar heater gets the heat from the sun, but getting the water to reach it is not. Solar heaters must operate during sunny weather and, if anyone is using electricity from the time of use, the operation of a solar heat pump can be quite expensive.

Solar pool heating pump can be independent, and ideally, have their own suction points in the pool and ideally return through a pipe that is tilted down and deep in the deep part of the pool, to mix the water.

Independent solar heaters can operate on their own without the need to run the pool filter at the same time when electricity is expensive. In addition, the filter pump has controlled speed to operate only at the required speed.

  1. Gas pool heating

The gas heaters in the pool are not subject to the irregularity of the sun and are sized to heat an outdoor pool during the swimming season. In the winter seasons, you will need a blanket for the pool to get the maximum benefit from this type of heating.

The gas heaters in the pool are good for scheduled or time framed swimming. It is simple and relatively inexpensive to heat your pool to the desired temperature with a sufficiently large gas heater.

Gas pool heating

It allows you to easily program usage and you can turn the heater on and off remotely at any time. The system will operate the gas heater with the correct water flows, adjusting the speed of the pump when necessary.

The gas heaters in the pool are less energy efficient than heat pumps but will heat the pool faster. Gas heaters are a good option for spas that heat up only occasionally.

  1. Air heat pumps

Swimming pool heating pumps take heat from the air to heat your pool, are more efficient and generally cheaper than gas and are not subject to the irregularity of sunlight, but heat about half the speed.

Swimming Pool Heat Pumps

These Pool heat pumps are operated more economically during the night using electricity outside peak hours… Most heat pumps will no longer be economical to operate once the air temperature drops below 5-10 degrees and you need to check for your particular model.

At last,

I would say, always choose the pumps or any system related to swimming pool as per your convenience, as per weather, swimming pool condition you can choose the pump for heating.  

Source: Comparison between different types of pool heater for swimming pool
