How content marketing and social media marketing help to tell interesting brand stories?

No matter what a brand is selling, but nowadays it is dedicated to the business of telling stories with the content marketing. The content marketing is one of the parts of digital marketing and if it is used by any social media marketing agency Melbourne then “Nothing is better than that”!

Some brands are better at storytelling than others, and that increasingly influences whether a brand can overcome clutter to reach consumers in highly competitive marketing channels. The social media is used for the storytelling, with the content marketing and it creates the best value of the brand.

Ways to tell the branding story via social media marketing Melbourne strategy

Here are three ways brands can tell better and more compelling stories.

1. Align the brand with the lifestyles and values, trends are not required
While it may be tempting for brands to create stories about topics that are trends, the stories they tell are more likely to resonate with the target audience when they are congruent with the values and lifestyles that brands have aligned with.

One of the companies that best approach is Nike or Adidas, which for decades has aligned with world-class athletes whose dedication to their sports and desire to achieve has become part of the Nike brand. They do not require any marketing in their firm, just along with the players. But still, some brand use the social and content marketing strategy just like the Puma, and others.

2. Make stories about people
Stories create emotional connections in a way that other types of stories cannot and, as a result, the most compelling stories are those of people.
Because of this, it is necessary that brands are aware of the human elements that they incorporate into their stories. For example, when any company use serious matter or real stories about their company they will get good attention.

3. Create the appropriate media for each channel.
Brands have more channels than ever to tell stories. The most popular digital consumer platforms, for example, are social platforms such as YouTube. Brands that want to tell stories successfully on these platforms must be strategic and serious.

For example,
Instagram, is social and highly visual.
Although originally it is an image based service, it is launched video support and has quickly become one of the most popular places for video content.
Brands have numerous ways to engage consumers on Instagram, including photo and video posts, they provide the story as well as DGTV. The social media marketing Agency from Melbourne When thinking about the stories they are telling on Instagram, the brands must be strategic on what they take advantage of.

YouTube, is based exclusively on videos and was much less social than Instagram.

But nowadays it becomes also popular, and millennial are spending more time on that.

4. Build campaigns around stories
One of the implications of the way consumers interact with brands today is that story-based campaigns must take into account the fact that consumers are likely to take different paths when engaging with campaign content.

“The content is not just a collection of blog posts, tweets and landing pages. There is much more to content marketing than spreading the web with your brand and sales messages.”

It is not easy or simple to provide useful and high-quality information to your audience at the right time. It requires organizational participation from the top. Use the content marketing and social media for building the campaign and give the story to every reader of you.
