What Are the Differences Between Washed and Natural Coffee Processing?

What Are the Differences Between Washed and Natural Coffee Processing?

When you’re looking to Buy Coffee Beans Online, it’s important to know what affects how your favourite beans are processed. The flavour of your coffee is determined by many things: where it’s grown, the variety of bean used, roasting technique and even water temperature. 

One factor that most people don’t think about is how the coffee was processed before roasting. In this article we’ll explore two main ways coffee is processed: natural and washed. We’ll also clear up some misunderstandings about each method so that you can make an informed decision on which kind of cup will best suit your taste buds!

Natural Coffee Processing

Its important to consider the processing of coffee when you Buy Coffee Beans Online. Natural coffee processing begins with the harvesting of ripe coffee cherries, which are then dried in the sun. 

The dried cherries are then hulled to remove their outer fruit and seeds, before being cleaned, graded and sorted by size. Once this is complete, they can be stored until ready to be roasted. 

This method of processing is traditional, but it also has its drawbacks: because natural coffees take longer than washed coffees to mature (about 7 months), it can be difficult for farmers to predict how much profit they’ll make from a harvest.

Coffee Buy Online

Washed Coffee Process

Washed coffee is the most common method of processing coffee beans, accounting for about 90 percent of the world’s production. It’s also the easiest way to make sure you get great-tasting and consistent coffee, which is why washed coffees are generally more expensive than their natural counterparts.

Washed coffees have a cleaner taste than their unwashed counterparts because they’re cleaned in a mechanical process that removes dirt and any other impurities from the beans. This means less caffeine-destroying fermentation occurs during washing, creating a more flavorful brew at home or in your favourite cafe or restaurant.

Coffee roasters find it easier to roast washed coffees because they’re much cleaner (there aren’t any sugars left on them), so they don’t spend time trying to get rid of those flavours before roasting them; instead they can focus on bringing out each particular bean’s unique characteristics within each batch.

Difference Between Washed And Natural Coffee Flavor

The difference between washed and natural coffee processing is apparent in the taste. Washed coffees are brighter, cleaner, and more acidic than their earthier counterparts. Next time you buy Coffee Beans Online, consider wash and natural coffee processing.


We hope this article has helped you to understand the difference between natural and washed coffee processing. It’s important to know that whatever your preference, you can always find a delicious cup of coffee—and it all starts with the right beans!
