10 Steps to Preparing for a Fruitful SEO engagement

10 Steps to Preparing for a Fruitful SEO engagement

For those of you who are here because of the headline and wondering why we’re talking about engaging in SEO Brisbane Service, let me explain. I’m going to assume that if you’re reading this article, you have some basic knowledge of how search engines work.

If not, stay tuned: we’ll be addressing some basic concepts throughout this post to understand how you can strategies your SEO activities and can gain the results soon.

Read On…

1. Outline your business goals

The first step to a fruitful SEO engagement is to outline your business goals. If you don’t know what you want, how will anyone else?

  • Don’t worry about other people’s goals. You’ll be tempted to try and compare yourself with other businesses, or even worse copy them entirely. Instead, focus on defining what success looks like for your own business and stick with it!
  • Be ambitious but realistic: there’s no point setting an unrealistic goal if it will only make things harder when things don’t go according to plan later down the line!

2. Conduct an audit of your website’s current state

The first step in preparing for a fruitful SEO engagement is conducting an audit of your website’s current state. This will help you understand how well-optimised it is and where it can be improved. A website audit is the process of analysing all aspects of a website, from its technical code to its user experience design, with an eye towards improving its performance in search engines.

A good audit will identify areas where content needs improvement or additional pages could be added; it should also reveal areas where content exists but isn’t actually being used by visitors.

It may also uncover problems with internal linking structures, broken links or duplicate content issues that could be causing problems for both users and search engines alike!

3. Assess the website to prioritise technical optimisations

If you’re new to SEO Brisbane and not sure where to start, it’s important to assess the current state of your website. There are many technical factors that contribute to a site’s search engine rankings, but some are more important than others. For example, it’s crucial that your site be optimised for mobile devices and fast loading times–these two things can have a huge impact on how well Google ranks you in its results pages.

4. Identify which elements need fixing first

Once you’ve assessed your website’s technical performance overall (and prioritised what needs fixing), zero in on individual elements that could use an upgrade: Is there an opportunity for better content? Could some internal links be updated or removed? Will new images help enrich user experience without adding extra burden on load time?

By answering these questions about each element individually before making larger-scale changes like redesigning entire pages or implementing new technologies like geolocation software, marketers will ensure they don’t miss any key opportunities while trying something new.


5. Assess the company’s current marketing strategy

In order to get the most out of your SEO campaign, you need to know exactly what you’re working with. In other words, you need to understand:

  • The current state of the company’s marketing strategy and how it can be improved.
  • What goals are being set by management at this time.
  • How these goals align with those of other departments within your organisation and vice versa so there aren’t any conflicts down the line.

6. Prioritise the site’s most important pages

Now it’s time to start looking at the site’s most important pages and analysing their performance. This will help you identify what needs to be done first, so you can prioritise your efforts. Start with the most important pages, then move on to less important ones as you progress through this process.

It’s also important to keep track of your progress throughout this process–you’ll want to know which steps have been completed and what still needs attention in order for you (or your team) not get overwhelmed by all there is left on an SEO engagement checklist or strategy plan!

7. Consider current search engine ranking factors

You should also consider current search engine ranking factors and how they affect particular pages or sections of a site. For example, highly ranked content gets more traffic than low-ranked content, so it’s worth optimising for high-ranking keywords.

8. Deliver a keyword research list

This is where we get into the nitty-gritty of what you need to know about your customers and how they search for products or services like yours. You’ll want to start by compiling a list of keywords that are relevant to your business, but also have enough search volume (the number of times people search for something) and good conversion rates.

The best way to do this is by using tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or KeywordTool.io, which allow you to enter one or more seed phrases and then generate suggestions based on their popularity among internet users worldwide.

You should also consider key phrases with high cost per click (CPC), since these will help drive up revenue quickly when combined with other factors such as SERP position and landing page quality score (LPSQ).

9. Set up a project tracker

A project tracker should be easy to use, understandable, and updateable. It should also be easy for both sides to share, with permissions that allow anyone involved in a campaign to access what they need.

The ability to grant different permissions is important because it allows you to easily adjust access levels as you scale up your team or add new clients. For example, if someone leaves your company they won’t be able to access sensitive information like client contracts or financials anymore–but they might still need some information from time-to-time (i.e., if they’re helping out with a specific project).

You want 24/7 access for all parties involved–including yourself! That way everyone has instant access when something goes wrong or needs attention immediately after hours or over weekends when no one else is around at work yet either.

10. Identify negative signals

Negative Signals should be identified that might be pointing to potential issues or problems within your website, such as duplicate content, broken links or coding errors that could hamper organic search visibility and traffic from Google and other search engines.

To ensure that your SEO engagement is successful and that you’re able to reap the benefits of increased visibility, it’s important to identify negative signals that might be pointing to potential issues or problems within your website. These include duplicate content, broken links and coding errors.


By following these steps, you’ll be able to prepare for a fruitful SEO Brisbane engagement and ensure that your site will be ready to start receiving traffic as soon as possible after launch. These steps will guide you to turn your business into a brand with the help of SEO.

You just have to keep the above steps in mind while making your SEO strategy. If you have any questions about this guide or how to prepare for an SEO engagement, feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
