Common Causes Of Blocked Drains And How To Prevent Them

Common Causes Of Blocked Drains And How To Prevent Them

Drains are an integral part of your home or office, but they can also become a source of frustration if they begin to clog. While there are many causes of drains becoming blocked, one of the most common is hair. That’s right—your hair can actually clog up your drains and prevent them from functioning as they should! We’ll cover all of the most common causes of Blocked Drain Cleaning Service in Albert Park here so that you never have to worry about this problem again.

Hair is another common culprit.

Hair is another common culprit. Hair is a natural product that will clog your drain, and it’s also very sticky. This means that if you have long hair or even just a few strands of hair in the sink, they can get stuck on the pipes and cause blockages.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you use a drain strainer when washing dishes or doing laundry in the kitchen sink (or wherever else). If there isn’t one already installed on your sink, consider adding one–they’re cheap and easy to install! Other than using strainers regularly as part of regular maintenance for your plumbing system, there are two other ways to remove hair from drains: using a drain snake or hiring someone else who has experience doing so professionally

Food products will clog your drains, too.

You don’t have to be a professional chef to know that food is one of the most common causes of blocked drains. Food products are sticky and can easily get lodged in your pipes, causing them to become clogged.

Blocked Drain Cleaning Service

If you’re cooking or eating something that contains oil, such as fried chicken or french fries, be sure not to pour any leftover grease down the sink drain when cleaning up after yourself. Grease should go into the bin with other food scraps instead! If you want some help getting rid of all those leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner (or whatever holiday feast), check out our guide on how much turkey is too much turkey?

Lint or pet hair can also block your drain.

A common cause of blocked drains is lint and pet hair. It can get stuck in the small holes at the bottom of your sink, which then blocks up the drainpipe. To prevent this problem, use a garbage disposal to dispose of pet hair and other small items such as string and paperclips that may be clogging up your pipes.

If you don’t have a garbage disposal or if it’s broken, then don’t use it anyway! You should never put food down any drain because bacteria will grow on it and cause stinky odors to come out later when there isn’t enough flow through the pipes (see above).

You should avoid putting any food down the sink drain.

If you want to avoid Blocked Drains Albert Park, you should avoid putting any food down the sink drain. Food particles are too big to go down the drain and will clog it. They can also attract pests, mold and bacteria that can cause health problems for humans if they get into contact with them.

Avoid using harsh chemicals to clean your drains – these may damage your pipes or even cause them to corrode over time.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of the common causes of blocked drains and same goes with the Hot Water Heater Replacement in Footscray.
