How Real Estate Professionals Help You Find Off-Market Properties?

How Real Estate Professionals Help You Find Off-Market Properties?

Real estate professionals like harcourts Christchurch are more than just the real estate agents you see on television. Although their job is to help you find a home and negotiate the purchase price and terms, they also have access to off-market listings that might not be found online or in print.

That’s why it’s so important to work with someone who has an extensive network of connections within the real estate industry.

Here are some ways that professional real estate agents can help you find those elusive off-market listings:

How professional real estate agents can help you find those elusive off-market listings

Extensive Networks

Real estate agents have an extensive network of people they can reach out to. A real estate agent can find you a buyer or seller, or know someone who is selling or buying. They also have experience in the real estate market and know which neighbourhoods are currently hot, as well as what other factors affect property values in those areas (e.g., schools).

Off-Market Listings

Off-market listings are properties that aren’t listed on the market. These can be found through a variety of ways, including private sales and owner-financing arrangements. If you want to buy an off-market property, you’ll need to work with a real estate professional who has access to these types of deals.

There are two types of off-market listings: private sales and owner financing. A private sale is when an individual sells his or her home without using a realtor or broker (though it’s possible for both parties in this transaction to hire professionals).

An owner financing arrangement involves one party selling another person property on credit terms with no mortgage involved; in other words, it’s like renting but with ownership rights instead of just renting month after month after month until death do us part…or at least until our landlord decides he wants us out!

Inside Knowledge

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The real estate professional has a wealth of knowledge about the local market. They know which properties are selling quickly and for what price, who is buying them and why, and what’s driving certain neighbourhoods or areas to become more popular than others.

This inside knowledge allows them to identify opportunities for you that may not be visible from the outside looking in.

For example, if there’s a specific property that’s been sitting on the market for some time without getting any offers because it needs repairs or upgrades before it can be sold at full price (or even listed). In this case an agent would be able to tell you about this ahead of time so that you’re prepared when making an offer!

Targeted Searches

Targeted searches are more likely to find the right property for you. They use your preferences to help you find a property that fits your needs, wants and budget.

A real estate professional like Harcourts in Christchurch can also help with targeted searches because he or she knows the market well enough to know where properties are available that have not yet been listed on the market.


We hope you enjoyed learning more about off-market properties and how they can help you find your dream home. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave on Harcourts Christchurch.
