What Are Printed Badges And How Can They Help Your Company?

What Are Printed Badges And How Can They Help Your Company?

Printed badges have taken on a more prominent role in the modern world. Starting with key conferences and trade shows, these unique souvenirs can also be found today at gyms, clubs, and nonprofits. Whether you’re selling tickets, swag, or membership cards as an event coordinator, finding Printed Badges can make your life much easier! 

What Are Printed Badges?

Badges are mostly used to identify the person that has earned them or been given them. Printed Badges serve a variety of purposes, including identifying whoever created them, preventing counterfeiting, and passing information from person to person in such a way that it doesn’t leave digital devices or paper behind. When printing a badge, many have gone in search of one that looks professional and resembles the look of actual ones carried by important figures. 

How Does A Printed Badge Drive Engagement?

Printed badges are available in a variety of ways. Some examples of printed badges include laminated signs, stickers, decals, posters, and more. These printed badges typically offer brand awareness and increased employee engagement. Printed badges are visually engaging and serve as an “in-room” brand experience that also allows interaction with colleagues at the same time. When employees choose to use printed badges, they are visibly vested in the event and earn valuable inter-office recognition

Printed Badges

Which Benefits Should Your Company Care About?

Despite the fact that digital badges offer many benefits, some companies still prefer physical badges. For example, customer Service around the globe has found great success from using printed badges in their stores and mailrooms. They allow for easy and consistent communication between service associates and managers, so both parties are aware of important information about customer orders and shipments. 

The beauty of this approach is that it makes all company data readily available to any staff member who may need access to it without having to jump through the extra hoops of printing it out or scanning a copy onto their computer system. Whether your business has a few employees or potentially thousands, you can’t afford to live under the misconception that badges are simply for employees and managers. 

Benefit Demographics

Badges, also called identification badges are usually made from biodegradable plastics and can come in many colors. These materials make the badges very durable, safe for the environment, and flexible. They can be tailored to the correct size for your company

Different Types of Printed Badges

Every company has a requirement for printed badges identifying the person that is wearing it and what their function is. Most companies prefer printed badges over cardstock because they are cheaper to produce. They can also be much more accurate than a computer-generated badge. To make your company’s printed badges look great and more office-friendly, companies will typically use clip art in place of graphics.


Printed badges are coming back in style and provided a means for mission statements or objectives to surface all at once. Many employers thought this a trend that had passed by but the number of companies and individuals seeking printed badges supports the growth of traditional versions.
